Purpose research , education , and service in the field of spinal medicine 成立主旨以研究、教育与服务三方面为目的。
For mains - independent service in the field , the sensor can operate with a supply voltage of 6v 传感器独立于主电源工作,可以在6伏的供电电压下运行。
Druids were not a hereditary caste , though they enjoyed exemption from service in the field as well as from payment of taxes 尽管德鲁伊教因为服务着他们的领域而享有免税权,而这些服务也来自税收,他们并没有世袭的阶级。
Provides world class products and services in the field of information technology with special emphasis on software development , multimedia - based software and web solutions -提供财务管理软件,票据管理软件,医疗管理软件,村财乡管软件等产品的公司。
However , after seven years ' practice , it was found that it couldn ' t solve the contradictory between policy and practice of personal finance service in the field of higher education 但其实施7年来,始终未能解决个人金融服务在高等教育领域内的政策与实践之间的矛盾。
All of the branches provide services in the fields of urban planning , architectural design , landscape and interior design , and project strategy planning 境外组合机构包括室内设计及环境景观设计机构,服务范围涉及城市区域规划,建筑设计,环境景观设计,室内设计,项目策划。
And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage , in morter , and in brick , and in all manner of service in the field : all their service , wherein they made them serve , was with rigour 14使他们因作苦工觉得命苦,无论是和泥,是作砖,是作田间各样的工,在一切的工上都严严地待他们。
We also offer both general translation and certified translation services in the fields of : law , education , health services , social services , marketing , finance , and others 此外,我们还提供在下列领域的一般性和认证的翻译:法律,教育,健康卫生服务,社会服务,市场,金融和其它方面。
Our mission is to provide clients with high quality professional services in the field of taxation throughout our specialized professionals in our four offices 我们愿以跨区域的服务机构、专业化的专门人才、多元化的服务内容,竭诚为我们的客户在税务领域提供深层次的高效、优质专业服务。
Providing comprehensive legal services in the field of real estate development , acquisition and transfer of real estate project , investing and finance in real estate projects , transaction of commercial housing 为房地产开发、房地产项目收购与转让、房地产项目投资融资、商品房交易提供综合性法律服务。